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Leadership Call: Qualities Chief AI Officers Need Jun 19, 2024

Hello Academic Leaders,

Universities desperately need to appoint a Chief AI Officer. But that role needs to be developed creatively.

AI touches every aspect of the academy.

To address its issues...

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Critical Thinking in a World of AI May 21, 2024

Hello Critical Thinkers,

"Mom, something is wrong with this photo. They say it is a gorilla hand, but I don't think it is."

My daughter recently received a subscription to The Week Junior, a...

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How Your Magic Is Better Than AI May 14, 2024

Hello Magical Humans,

I have a secret for you.

Your magic is better than AI. It always has been and always will be.

There are two sources of human magic in this world.

Seth Godin posted...

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Living in the Not Quite There Moments May 08, 2024

Hello Persistent Individuals,

It is so hard to show up sometimes.

We all go through seasons where our wins seem farther apart than our "not quite theres." Those times when we try so hard but can't...

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A Prayer for the Tired Professor Apr 24, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father,

Bless the weary professor, whose energy ebbs under the weight of the semester. Give them strength to face the end of a season and replenish their energy as it wanes toward the...

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Simply Look Around; There's Nothing To It Apr 16, 2024

Hello Imaginative Dreamers,

A family vacation is not complete without a Gibson movie night. Recently, we introduced our children to the three Wonka movies. I have to say, Wonka is my favorite of...

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Daring to Start a Revolution of Relevance Apr 10, 2024


Hello Daring Revolutionist,

“Do not dare” is the call of what has always been.

We dare.

We dare to create a place where convention and invention belong together. We see the power...

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Where's AI: What Happens When AI Becomes Undetectable? Apr 09, 2024

Hello Digital Detectives,

New Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is opening a realm of legal and ethical questions. While some see the creative potential of these advancements, many are...

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A New Era for Character Consistency in AI Art: Midjourneyā€™s Game-Changing ā€“cref Property Apr 07, 2024

Hello Tech Savvy Friends,

If you’ve ever played with Midjourney or Dall-e, you have probably come across the frustration of generating consistent characters.

Innovators have tried to...

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Chasing Dreams and Solar Eclipses: To the Moon and Back Apr 06, 2024

Hello Star Gazers,

“I’ll drop down a rope so you can climb to the moon.”

We often forget to look up. The solar eclipse offers a rare opportunity to pause and gaze towards the sky....

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