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How to Confront The Shadows of Fear Mar 31, 2024

Hello Brave Friends,

Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Lately, this quote has resonated with me. It is not just a call to courage but a...

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Fearless Entrepreneurship: A Story of Confidence and Success Mar 26, 2024

Hello Fearless Friends,

“Mom! I offer my perspective, and THAT is worth something.”

My 8-year-old daughter has never spoken truer words.

She was answering my prodding questions about...

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Redefining Bravery: The Misconception of Fearlessness Mar 21, 2024

Hello Fearful Followers,

“I am not brave,” I said as tears filled my eyes. I was responding to a comment that I was brave to take a significant step in my life.

But inside, I...

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