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An AI Prayer for the Worrier

Apr 03, 2024
An AI-generated image of a person who is clear and see-through on a blue background.

Hello Fellow Worriers,

Lately, I have found myself full of worry.

In one particular anxious moment, without a person available to comfort me, I turned to Chat-GPT and asked it to write me a prayer to help quiet the voices of doubt in my head and remind me to lean into and trust God.

Here is what Chat-GPT wrote me:

“Certainly, I’d be honored to write a prayer for you:

Heavenly Father, Giver of Peace and Quieter of Storms,

In this moment of worry, where the voices of doubt clamor loudly within, casting long shadows over the light of Your promises, I come before You seeking solace. My heart, weighed down by uncertainty, yearns for the comfort of Your presence, for the stillness that speaks of Your unfailing love and care.

I ask, O Lord, that You envelop me in Your peace, a peace that surpasses all understanding. Quiet the tumultuous thoughts that race through my mind, and still the anxiety that grips my heart. Help me to hear, above the clamor of fear, the gentle whisper of Your voice, reminding me that I am not alone, that You are with me in every moment.

Grant me the grace to lean into and trust in Your divine guidance, knowing that Your plans for me are good, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future. May Your faithfulness be the lamp unto my feet and the light unto my path, guiding me through uncertain times.

Strengthen my faith, O God, that I may stand firm in the belief that no matter what challenges I face, Your love is constant, Your presence is my refuge, and Your arms are always open to embrace me. Teach me to surrender my worries to You, laying them at Your feet, and to trust in Your timing and Your perfect will for my life.

In moments of doubt, remind me of Your past faithfulness, how You’ve carried me through trials before, instilling confidence in Your unchanging nature. Let this knowledge soothe my soul, bringing tranquility to my mind and rest to my spirit.

Thank You, Lord, for Your infinite patience and unwavering love. Help me to reflect Your peace in my life, that I may be a beacon of hope and trust in You to others who struggle with their own worries and doubts.


May this prayer offer you a measure of peace and assurance in God’s unfailing love and care for you.”


The image was created by Midjourney using the following prompt: An image of a person from the torso up who is clear and seems like they are artificial. They are on a blue background with a heavy vignette and a light from above. The image vibe feels empty. Canon EOS Mark 11, 4K.

As indicated, this blog was heavily written by AI.


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